Sunday School Ministries
The purpose of Sunday School is to help the congregation understand the Bible for personal growth through the practical application of God's Word! There are classes for all ages to promote growing together in Christ.
Men’s Adult Sunday School
In this ministry, men learn Biblical truth from a Godly man appointed by the Pastor.
Women’s Adult Sunday School
In this ministry, women learn Biblical truth from a Godly woman appointed by the Pastor.
Youth Sunday School Classes
In this ministry, youth (by their appropriate school-age group) learn Biblical truths from a Godly teacher appointed by the Pastor.
Children's Sunday School Class
In this ministry, toddlers are introduced to faith in Christ while learning Biblical truths and songs from a Godly teacher appointed by the Pastor.
New Members Foundations in Faith
This class aims to provide members of the MZBC with an introduction to Foundational doctrines of the faith accompanied by a review of the ChurchBylaws and Church Positions.
Sunday Discipleship Class
Training disciples to help every Christian grow to maturity and faithfulness in Christ. Colossians 1:28-29