4-Part Series - Part 2: Keys to a Powerful Prayer Life


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Sep. 22, 2024


  • From Part 1:
    1. Praying according to the will of God
    2. Praying in the name of Jesus
    3. Praying in faith, not wavering
  • Keys provide access
  • In order to have a powerful prayer life, it must line up with God's will (which is in His Word)
  • His will never contradicts his Word
  • It is impossible to please God without faith
  • It takes faith to believe

Key Sermon Points:

4. Persistence in prayer

  • We must be persistent in prayer
  • Jesus went to pray and took the disciples with him so that they won't fall into temptation (Luke 22:39-40)
  • We will all be tempted
  • Jesus spent several hours in persistent prayer on the night he was betrayed
  • Jesus didn't give up and was trying to encourage the disciples to pray
  • When Jesus found the disciples asleep, he expressed concern and disappointment
  • Jesus was trying to prepare the disciples for spiritual warfare
  • Jesus had a place where to go to pray
  • Do you have a place to go and pray?
  • Jesus prayed often
  • Have you ever experienced being so burden down or overwhelmed that you wanted to just give up?
  • Some sleep because of depression or not wanting to face things...sometimes sleep is a way to hide
  • Sometimes we have to be persistent in praying no matter what goes on!
  • Jesus gave the disciples a prayer assignment, but they weren't there for Jesus in his greatest hour of need in Satan's attacks
  • Our prayer assignment is to pray each and every day
  • Our chief need is to persistently pray
  • The blind man was persistent for Jesus to heal him and he shouted louder (Luke 18:39)

5. Being specific in prayer

  • Our prayers cannot be effective if they are vague or general
  • We need to make our prayers specific and clear
  • We must believe that Jesus is going to do what he says he will do
  • We must have a specific faith for a specific thing
  • The blind man asked for sight (Luke 18:41)
  • We must pray for our specific issues, needs, struggles
  • We must make our request clear
  • Jesus illustrated that it was important to care for the poor and needy
  • What do we want Jesus to do for us?

6. Prayer in humility

  • God wants a broken spirit and a contrite heart (Psalm 51:15-17)
  • Brokenness is the condition that reveals to us our spiritual needs and leads us to express our needs to the Father without question
  • When we are broken, then the Master can use us
  • Sometimes we are too proud or boastful to realize that we are not where we should be
  • God responds to the prayer that comes from a humble heart
  • Humility makes our prayers direct and honest
  • We have to recognize sin in our lives that we must give to God
  • Humility is good training ground for being obedient to God
  • We have to learn how to be humble before God