4-Part Series - Part 3: Keys to a Powerful Prayer Life


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Sep. 29, 2024


  • From Part 1:
    1. Praying according to the will of God
    2. Praying in the name of Jesus
    3. Praying in faith, not wavering
  • From Part 2:

4. Persistence in prayer

5. Being specific in prayer

6. Praying in humility

  • We must be connected to the Vine
  • We must be obedient to his will and to his way
  • As believers we sin less because we are not perfect
  • It is the sin that we continue to live in that makes God sick
  • We can't live in sin and not do anything about it

Key Sermon Points:

7. Praying in the Spirit

  • Paul is in prison and Paul takes time to write the letter of Ephesians
  • Paul makes the best of the opportunity
  • Paul talks about the whole armor of God to be able to stand against the schemes of the devil
  • We are in spiritual warfare
  • Pray always to the Father because he is the only one that can help us
  • There are different ways to pray (e.g. standing, sitting, on our knees, eyes open or closed, public, or private)
  • The frequency of prayer: always pray and not faint
  • The power of prayer, the manner of prayer, and praying for others
  • Praying in the Spirit means the Spirit empowers the prayer to carry it to the Father in the name of Jesus
  • The Holy Spirit prays in us, through us, and for us
  • We have to pray what's on our hearts and not look at other people's style of praying
  • The Spirit gives power to prayers and is a life producing prayer
  • Praying for all the saints, the objective of praying (Ephesians 6:18)
  • We have to line up with the Holy Spirit, who helps us when we pray (Romans 8:26)
  • If we aren't praying in the Spirit, then we are praying in the flesh
  • When we pray in the Spirit we are praying in harmony with the Father

8. Praying for others

  • Sometimes our prayers are selfish and self-centered when we should be praying for others
  • We should pray for other believers:
  • It shows that we're unselfish and have a love that reflects God's love and character
  • To encourage others for the common needs
  • We should pray for other believers:
  • It shows that we're unselfish and have a love that reflects God's love and character
  • To encourage others for the common needs
  • We are to be humble in our prayers
  • It pleases God
  • We ought to come together to pray for one another (James 5:16)
  • We ought to pray for those in the world (the width of God's love)
  • We should pray for other believers:
  • God's love is eternal and will never fail (1 Corinthians 13:8)
  • Our prayers should always be wrapped up in love
  • Jesus prayed for us (John 17:9-12)
  • We are here because someone prayed for us
  • We ought to pray for others like Jesus prayed for us

9. Waiting on God

  • We cannot hurry God, we must wait on Him
  • We can't put a time restriction on God
  • One of the fruit of the Spirit is patience and long-suffering
  • Patience also comes through the life of prayer because we must wait on what God will do
  • We do not want to get ahead of God by being impatient and we also don't want to lag behind him either...we must wait on Him
  • We must wait in his presence (James 1:4)
  • Sometimes God keeps our wants from us because God sees that it may hurt us
  • Waiting is a time of preparation and for God to chip away our imperfections
  • The process is one that develops us to perfection to make us complete
  • There is a peace in waiting on God
  • So many times we go ahead of God and we don't get his best plan
  • David said that truly his soul silently waits for God (Psalm 62:1-2)
  • Waiting on God brings an assurance that God will provide the best outcome
  • We make things worse when we don't wait on God...and end up suffering
  • It is important for us to wait on God for our blessings...even though it is not easy
  • They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength...when we wait, we will be renewed