4-Part Series - Part 4: Keys to a Powerful Prayer Life


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Oct. 06, 2024


  • From Part 1:
  1.   Praying according to the will of God
  2. Praying in the name of Jesus
  3. Praying in faith, not wavering
  • From Part 2:

  4. Persistence in prayer

  5. Being specific in prayer

  6. Praying in humility

  • From Part 3:

  7. Praying in the Spirit

  8. Praying for others

  9. Waiting on God

  • Jesus is the True Vine
  • I AM identifies with God
  • Israel was depicted as a vine plant, but the nation proved to be unfit, unfaithful, and unfruitful...now Jesus presents himself as the True Vine
  • It is important for us to understand that Jesus always used agriculture because the people understood agriculture
  • God's goal for every Christian is to increase/multiply
  • The progression is from no fruit to some fruit to more fruit to much fruit
  • We are positioned in the Kingdom, but we still have more work
  • Our walk should be no fruit to some fruit to more fruit to much fruit...we need to produce

Key Sermon Points:

10. Abiding in Christ

  • To abide means to remain
  • In our daily walk, we must stay in an intimate fellowship with the Lord
  • A branch abides in the vine by drawing all of its nutrients from the vine
  • Our nutrients can only come from Christ by spending time with him in prayer and in his Word
  • We must ask: Am I studying God's Word, praying, and being obedient to God's Word
  • Through his Word we get to know him
  • Through prayer we get to talk to him
  • None of us is an island by ourselves...we need fellowship
  • Abiding is the secret of a successful prayer life
  • The closer we get to the Lord, the more we will learn to think and speak like him...and not to be critical of others or talk about others...but encourage others
  • We will get to know his will through his Word
  • There is always a blessing in reading God's Word
  • God wants us to produce much fruit by abiding in Christ
  • We need Christ in us
  • Jesus gives as a means of getting our prayers answered:
    • We must abide in Him
    • We must let his Word abide in us
  • The character of a fruit tree is that it produces fruit...not only for itself, but for others
  • When we abide in Christ, we will care about others
  • Without Christ, we can do nothing

11. Thankful and praise

  • We ought to have the attitude of gratitude and be thankful
  • Obedience to the Word brings blessings
  • Sometimes we miss our blessings because we try to question what he says
  • Two elements of effective prayer life:
    • Thanksgiving: lifts us up out of the despair of darkness and discouragement
    • Praise: focus our hearts on God
  • Too often we don't cry out to God
  • Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the World
  • The key to come out of things is to praise
  • God is still keeping us no matter what is going on around us
  • One of the ways to reject God is to forget to praise God
  • We need to thank God for everything even if He didn't bless us
  • Only one of the lepers turned around to thank Christ for what he did for him: He said thank you to the Master
  • He was the only foreigner among the Jews that said Thank You...the rest were unthankful
  • Whatever God does (and what he doesn't do), he deserves our thanks
  • We must come with the attitude of gratitude
  • Praise leads us from individual worship to corporate worship
  • We must appreciate ALL that God is and ALL that he has and will do for us
  • We need to anticipate the blessings