A Mother That Fears The Lord


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

May 12, 2024

Key Sermon Points:

  1. She had a strong testimony
    1. Strength and honor are her clothing (v. 25)
    2. A strong testimony is an unshakeable foundation of a secure and meaningful life  where peace, happiness, and love can flourish because of the Lord
    3. A mother that has a relationship with the Lord has a strong testimony
    4. Although the noble mother is outwardly attractive and eloquent, her true beauty is inward (1 Peter 3:4)
    5. Don't neglect the spirit, the person on the inside & character
    6. She is esteemed and honored by others as a woman that reflects the presence of God
    7. She depends on God as the source of her strength
  2. She was a mother with wisdom
    1. Wisdom is living and thinking as God designed us to live
    2. God does not promise us to be rich, but God promises to meet our needs
    3. If we have Jesus, then we are already rich because we have a Father in Heaven that owns everything
    4. Solomon asked god for wisdom (1 Kings 3:9-13)
    5. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge to everyday life
    6. There is kindness on her tongue
    7. Her kindness reflects who she really is
    8. Genuine kindness is a response to God's love
    9. Kindness is one of the characteristics of God's people
    10. Fearing God leads to knowing God more fully
  3. She was a skilled manager of her home
    1. She was involved in the management of her house (v. 27)
    2. She had the ability to operate and manage the house
    3. She doesn't take advantage of what she knows, but uses it to help the king of the household
    4. She is important to the household
    5. Her children and husband call her blessed
    6. She is cheerful
    7. She enjoys the role of wife and mother
    8. Her husband praises her to others
    9. Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing
    10. A woman who fears the Lord shall be praised (e.g. Ruth, Mary, etc.)
    11. Make sure you take care of your mother
    12. Recognize and reward the kindness of each woman
    13. She has character and integrity
    14. Integrity is what goes on behind the scenes
    15. She was loyal and trustworthy
    16. She did good and not evil
    17. She made wise decisions
    18. She took care of the needy
    19. She was kind and fair and looked out for others