HE IS RISEN HALLELUJAH!!! (Do You Believe This?)


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Mar. 31, 2024

Key Sermon Points:

  1. Why the question about the resurrection
    1. Even though Martha believed that Jesus was the Resurrection, she needed help with her unbelief
    2. Even though we believe, we sometimes need help with our unbelief
    3. We inherit sin
    4. Sometimes God will use what is troubling us to heal us
    5. God used the perfect blood of Jesus to heal us
    6. Jesus conquered sin on the cross and conquered death when he rose again
    7. Why are there differences in some of the Gospels?  It was being told from different witness accounts, but the tomb was always rolled away and the tomb was always empty
    8. Reasons for unbelief:
      1. Different accounts that didn't match
      2. The Jewish leaders' unbelief (The soldiers were paid to lie - Matthew 28:11-15)
      3. The disciples' unbelief (John 20:18-20, 24-25; Mark 16:9-14; Luke 24:9-11; Luke 24:34-43)
    9. It takes faith to believe
  2. What other proof of the resurrection exists
    1. Jesus was seen by many after he rose again (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
  3. Why does it matter whether or not I believe in the resurrection
    1. Jesus was the first to be lifted from the grave to live forever (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)
    2. Those of us that have accepted Christ will also be raised again to live forever
    3. We must believe in Jesus' Resurrection in order to be saved (Romans 10:9-10)
    4. Jesus is alive and not dead!