Mar. 31, 2024
Key Sermon Points:
- Why the question about the resurrection
- Even though Martha believed that Jesus was the Resurrection, she needed help with her unbelief
- Even though we believe, we sometimes need help with our unbelief
- We inherit sin
- Sometimes God will use what is troubling us to heal us
- God used the perfect blood of Jesus to heal us
- Jesus conquered sin on the cross and conquered death when he rose again
- Why are there differences in some of the Gospels? It was being told from different witness accounts, but the tomb was always rolled away and the tomb was always empty
- Reasons for unbelief:
- Different accounts that didn't match
- The Jewish leaders' unbelief (The soldiers were paid to lie - Matthew 28:11-15)
- The disciples' unbelief (John 20:18-20, 24-25; Mark 16:9-14; Luke 24:9-11; Luke 24:34-43)
- It takes faith to believe
- What other proof of the resurrection exists
- Jesus was seen by many after he rose again (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
- Why does it matter whether or not I believe in the resurrection
- Jesus was the first to be lifted from the grave to live forever (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)
- Those of us that have accepted Christ will also be raised again to live forever
- We must believe in Jesus' Resurrection in order to be saved (Romans 10:9-10)
- Jesus is alive and not dead!