Feb. 25, 2024
Sermon Key Points:
- Our belief
- Jesus is the revelation of God, the Son of God, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world
- When we accept Jesus as Savior, we have a home in God's Kingdom
- Believing in the Words of Jesus will carry us through
- He is coming back for us
- The question
- Thomas, also known as doubting Thomas, asked Jesus where He was going
- Jesus had already let them know that He was going to be with the Father (John 7:33-34; John 8:14)
- It was an important question to ask
- Knowing we have a home in God's Kingdom should give us hope
- The answer
- Jesus was going to the Cross before being resurrected for the forgiveness of sins
- We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
- Jesus is the only way to God
- Jesus is the embodiment and perfect picture of Truth (John 14:7)
- Jesus is part of the Trinity
- Jesus is the Life...He lived perfectly (John 11:25)
- Our response
- Have we ever had the opportunity to tell people about the love of Jesus and that Jesus is the only way to heaven?
- We have to keep witnessing to people
- We must always be ready to give a reason for the Hope that is in us by sharing our testimonies (1 Peter 3:15)
- We have been commanded to share the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20)
- Have we ever tried to lead someone to Christ?