Oct. 20, 2024
- Sometimes we have to push our way
- Sometimes we say things long enough that we start to believe it
- Sometimes we have to talk to ourselves and have someone to encourage us to keep going
- We have to pull on the positive and let the negative go
- No one knows the weight that others are carrying, but we can't give up or give in
Key Sermon Points:
- Being honest with God about our feelings
- God always wants us to be honest with him about our feelings (Psalm 51:6; Proverbs 12:19, 22)
- Our Father wants us to be honest with him
David cried out to God because his soul was in pain...and God was silent while David was going through
David thought that God had forgotten him or was ignoring him...and he didn't know what to do
He realized his inability to deal with his own troubles
He was left to wrestle with his own thoughts
The first two verses indicate the depth of David's despair, doubt and confusion
God's silence doesn't mean that he's not watching or working...he works on our behalf even when we don't see it
David considered himself cut off from God
He experienced deep depression daily
When we are honest with God, he will show up and bless us
- David's supplication
- In his despair, David cries out to God in his supplication and looks to God for an answer
- When we are going through, we must know who to turn to
- There are times when we have to go to God and pray on our own behalf
- David prayed to God to deliver him from his desperate situation
- He asked God to give light to his eyes and to give him divine wisdom
- Sometimes we have to ask why are we still in the same situation and why is it getting the best of us
- Sometimes God is teaching us that as long as we try to fix things ourselves then it will never get fixed...only when we cry out to God will things get fixed
- Real trust does not give up
- We may fall down, but never give up
- Sometimes it seems like evil and suffer goes on unchecked...and we wonder when God will intervene, but God gives enough room to repent
- Prayer that changes our perspective starts by opening our mouths and hearts to God
- The Holy Spirit will speak for us and give us guidance...even when we want to give up
- David is now singing
- He was complaining, then he cried out in prayer, and is now singing
- With an unwavering confidence now, David puts his trust in God
- David's heart rejoices and is glad
God brings about his divine deliverance from the threat of David's enemies
If we don't ever go through anything, then it means that Satan isn't worried about us as a threat
Sometimes we have to draw from old hymns
The Lord showed up on his behalf
The song started with testing, complaining, crying and then singing after coming through