Part 3: How Did We Get the Bible?


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Jun. 09, 2024


  • The Bible continues to be the best seller
  • But many don't know how we got the Bible, the Word of God
  • When you want to know something, it all depends on who is telling you due to their reputation

Key  Sermon Points:

  1. God gave us the Bible through people
    1. It was the Holy Spirit that moved the prophets to speak from God
    2. The prophets did not create the Word from some creative process
    3. God inspired the writers so that the message is authentic and genuine
    4. God uses the talent, education, culture and background of each writer
    5. The Holy Spirit brought the Word from one generation to the next and it is still the same
    6. The writers were not mindless robots...they spoke for God
    7. The Holy Spirit used them to bring forth his Word
    8. Four concepts
      • Revelation - the process by which God communicates his hidden thoughts to the writers (Hebrews 1:1-2) and we can only understand it if God allows it
      • Inspiration - the process by which God sovereignly guides the writers to write only what God wanted them to write...not what they wanted to spiritual with spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:13)
      • Inerrancy - the teaching that the Bible is without errors (John 17:17)...the Word is truth; God cannot lie (Numbers 23:19)
      • Authority of God - it's the teaching that the Scriptures have the absolute and supreme right over all believers in doctrine and practice (Matthew 7:29)
    9. Tithing is part of our worship to God
    10. If our giving is right, then our heart is right and we'll help others instead of being selfish and self-centered
  2. God is the source of the Bible
    1. The Bible is not a collection of stories, myths or ideals
    2. Man did NOT write the Bible...God told the writers what to write through the Holy Spirit
    3. The writers wrote what the God told them to write
    4. The Bible is God it and use it as our guide of conduct (2 Tim 3:16-17)
    5. God watches over us through his Word
    6. The writers were not just men, but holy men led by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:6-14)
    7. God's wisdom is unknown to the world (1 Corinthians 2:7)
    8. It is unknowable to the world apart from divine disclosure
    9. God, through his Spirit, reveals himself