Pergamum: The Worldly Church


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Feb. 09, 2025


  • The way that some dress, speak, and dance forgets the holy righteousness of God
  • They have forgotten about keeping things holy and righteous
  • They have compromised and given up
  • Worldliness is being more concerned with the worldly things than spiritual things
  • Since believers are not part of the world system, we must not act as if we were
  • The world loves its own, but if you are different, then the world will not love you...the Lord chose us (John 15:19)
  • We are to be separated from the world in speech and appearance
  • Don't be a friend of the world and an enemy of God (Romans 12:2; James 4:4)

Key Sermon Points:

1. The destination of the letter

  • Pergamos was a city and famous for a library
  • The church of Pergamos failed to heed against warnings of worldliness
  • Pergamos means tower or elevation
  • Each local church is married to Christ and must be kept pure (2 Corinthians 11:1-4)

2. The description of the Lord

  • A sharp two-edge sword (Hebrews 4:12)
  • The Word of God is a sword and able to judge the intent and the heart
  • Jesus is coming as a Judge about to execute judgment
  • The Pergamos church was facing imminent judgment
  • God is serious about keeping the church holy and pure

3. Jesus diagnoses of the church

  • Despite their circumstances, some of the believers were faithful to Jesus
  • Jesus recognized that
  • Some of the believers were mingling in the world
  • Satan's throne could be the city (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  • It's hard to live where sin is all around, but some kept themselves separated & held fast to the Word of God and Jesus
  • It is not easy to be able to stand firm in the midst of people on you and mocking you

4. The concern Jesus had

  • Some held false teaching
  • There were people that believed in false doctrine (ie. a false church in the real church)
  • Many Christians today make lite of doctrine (the truth and who God is)
  • They tolerated what was happening in the church and refused to exercise church discipline
  • They became a stumbling block
  • Balak was a prophet for hire, who was hired to curse God's people...but God would bless those that Balak tried to curse
  • Some tainted the blood by intermingling with Moabite women...and thus they had a divided heart
  • They were sexually immoral and serving idols
  • To say nothing is to be part of the problem!
  • We have to make a choice: we have to stand for right and righteousness
  • The church didn't discipline and thus shared in the guilt
  • We all have a sin problem
  • The Nicolaitans were giving people a license to sin, which God hates

5. A warning and a promise from Christ

  • The only remedy is repentance, to change one's mind and behavior
  • To turn from sin and turn toward God
  • Repentance must happen for forgiveness to take place
  • God gave them grace to repent
  • Those who live for Christ will give them power to overcome and something special that will stand fast and hold to his name
  • We must be married to Christ and not the world
  • We must stand for right and righteousness!
  • When we fail to discipline, then God will
  • We should not compromise, but remain steadfast