Feb. 16, 2025
- An adulterer is someone that is involved with a sexual relationship outside of their marriage
- God compares his relationship with the church like a marriage
- God wants a church without a spot or wrinkle (Revelation 19:7-8)
- Christ is telling us to be pure...and not to serve other gods or idols
- God must be first
- Anything that comes before God becomes an idol
- God will tare down idols
- We serve a God that is holy and without any limitations
Key Sermon Points:
1. To the church where the letter was sent
- The letter was sent to Thyatira
- It was the largest letter sent to a small town
- False doctrine is not allowed even under the banner of love and unity
- We cannot compromise God's Word
- The influence of these last churches (except Philadelphia) allow evil to rise
- When evil has a foothold, then evil will grow
2. The description of the Son of man
- The reference to Jesus as the Son of man draws attention to his humanity when he was walking on the earth
- The Son of God refers to his deity and his judgment
- The words are the words of Jesus (v. 18)
- Jesus' eyes are compared to a flame of fire...everything yields and melts before his presence
- Christ can see what we cannot see (i.e. the heart and the motives)
- Christ presents himself as the One that sees all and searches the mind and heart
- The Lord's feet are pictured as fine brass that looks like gold...a symbol of God's judgment
- Christ is a righteous judge
3. The Lord commended them
- The Lord points out the good things as well as the bad things
- Christ commends the church by voicing his concerns about them and he assures them that he has not forgotten their righteous deeds
- Sometimes we forgot, but God never forgets
- The church at Ephesus didn't have love, but this church has love...but also false doctrine
- Sound doctrine is everything...without sound doctrine, we don't have anything
- The 1st of the 7 churches to be commended for their love
- They were also commended for their faith, reliability, and consistency
- We need to be dependable and reliable
- Christ commended them on their works, love, service, faith, and patience
4. The issue Jesus had with the church
- We all have issues
- They allowed a Jezebel to come in to the church to preach...teach and seduce
- Jezebel had a false doctrine and seduced most of the members, but God had a remnant
- She had over 800 prophets and a cult and killed a lot of God's prophets
- She was wicked
- Jesus was upset that they let this type of thing go on
5. Jesus is giving them time to repent
- God is a merciful God that gives people time to repent
- Jezebel didn't repent and neither did some of the members
- Jesus will cut off those that don't repent and wipe the slate clean
- People love darkness rather than light
- Her final refusal to repent led to judgment
- Jezebel, the church, and her spiritual children were all judged
- Christ will deal with us when we don't deal with people that are messing with the doctrine
6. Christ encouraged them to hold on
- Christ encouraged the remnant to hold on (v. 25)
- Hold fast when:
- It seems like there is no hope
- Your enemies are coming for you
- You are broke
- It seems like you can't make it
- For those that overcome, Jesus will give them power and himself
- Let those that have ears, hear
- Encouragement can be powerful words that can help us along our journey