Dec. 22, 2024
- Some will not let you join their church
- From His Birth, Jesus came with a major news that He was the Savior for all people, not just Jews or wealthy people (John 4:9)
- Jesus didn't get caught up in the societal trappings of dislikes, but he loved everyone
- Jesus broke those barriers...he spoke to the woman at the well (John 4:16-18)
- So, why do we ask people to put barriers back up when Jesus destroyed those barriers
- We are to do as Jesus did (1 Peter 23:21)
Key Sermon Points (from Part 1):
1. Jesus Christ's birth
- She (Mary) brought forth her firstborn Son
- Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem to pay taxes, but we know that God was orchestrating all of this
- Jesus was not born in comfortable surroundings, but in a manger in a feeding trough (the dinning table of the animals) for you and me
- Jesus is with and in us
- He was turned away by all men
- There was no room in the inn
- Have we made room for Jesus today or are we pushing him out?
- When was the last time we let him have complete control in us? Do others know that we have been transformed and are different?
- Jesus was born into poverty, obscurity, and lowliness
- His birth took place away from a lot of people
- He didn't have friends, relatives, or a doctor's care
- He was born in a manger, but is not in any manger anymore (nor on the cross anymore)
- How many people missed out on the coming of his birth during that time? How many will miss out on his return?
- Jesus was the prophesized Son of David, his royal lineage of Israel
- David was born in Bethlehem
- Scriptures stated that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
- Jesus came in the worst environment and gained it all back
2. Angels showed up with a message for the shepherds
- There was the unbelievable appearance to shepherds
- In the eyes of many, angels would never appear to shepherds
- Shepherds would not found to be praising God and religious people would not deal with them
- God came to the unexpected people and places that we would not expect
- Jesus was a Sacrificial Lamb that came from God
- The shepherds were despised
- God gave the first message of his Son to common shepherds that were looked upon as sinners
- None of us have a right to look down on others because we are made in God's image
- Once we get close to God, something begins to happen to us that we begin to affect people in a different way
- When God's glory shows up, it changes us (Matthew 17:5-8)
- Angels come bringing a message from God
- Angels gave signs that the Savior wrapped in swaddling cloths in a manger
- God shows up in unexpected ways
- We may be looking for one thing, and God will show us something different
- He comes to the sinful shepherds and came lowly so that all can claim him as Savior and Lord
- Jesus didn't come for the righteous
- God knows where and to whom to take His Word
- We can be afraid on one hand and on the other hand have joy
3. Angels praising the Savior
- The angels were Heaven meeting earth and began praising God (Dan 7:10)
- The angels left Heaven to give glory and honor to the Savior
- The angels have 3 jobs:
- They were messengers of God (Luke 1:11-15)
- They worship and praise God (Isaiah 6; Revelation 4:8-11)
- They were protectors and providers (Psalm 68:17; Psalm 34:7; 2 King 19:35-36)