Dec. 22, 2024
Background (Part 2):
- From Part 1:
- Jesus Christ's birth
- Angels showed up with a message for the shepherds
- Angels praising the Savior
- Like in the manger, there are some that haven't made room for the Savior
- The Savior ought to reign supreme in our hearts
- We must make room for the Savior
Key Sermon Points (from Part 2):
3. Angels praising the Savior
- The angels were Heaven meeting earth and began praising God (Dan 7:10)
- The angels left Heaven to give glory and honor to the Savior
- The angels have 3 jobs:
- They were messengers of God (Luke 1:11-15)
- They worship and praise God (Isaiah 6; Revelation 4:8-11)
- They were protectors and providers (Psalm 68:17; Psalm 34:7; 2 King 19:35-36)
- There were a host of angels that appeared (ie thousands of angels)
- The angels came to give glory to God that is due to Him and Him alone
- The angels cried out for peace and goodwill toward men because The Peacemaker came (after men hadn't heard from God for 400 years)
- Joy is from the inside and not based on something that you own or comes from Jesus
- We can have unspeakable joy no matter what in the midst of trials and tribulation
- We have the peace of reconciliation with God
4. The shepherds responded to the angel's message
- The angelical presence didn't last forever...they showed up and then they left
- People must respond to what God is sending to them
- God sends the message, and we must respond
- The shepherds did the following things:
- They received the Word (and we must too)
- They responded
- They were obedient
- We will do one of the above or none of them at all...we must do all of the above
- The shepherds wanted to be part of the work in this world
- Obedience is the spark that lights the passion
- To develop a love for people requires that we are obedient
5. The shepherds had to share the good news
- Seeing the Baby Jesus wasn't enough; the shepherds had to share the good news
- Once we see God, we want to work for Him
- They shared what they were told about Jesus
- The fact of Jesus' birth was news and truth and the child's function was good news
- Salvation is intended for all
- Jesus doesn't see color, but the heart of the person
- They marveled at the good news
- Salvation comes to us through dedicated lives of insignificant people
- Truth comes from God and lies come from the pit of hell
- Expect pain and opposition as we learn to serve the Lord
- Only what we do for Christ will last
- God will work everywhere and anywhere that He chooses to...we can't put God in a box
- The shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for everything that they heard and saw
- When we have an encounter with Jesus, then we will leave another way