The Supreme and Righteous Judge


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Jul. 07, 2024


  • The Lord is the real Supreme and Righteous Judge
  • We must be careful of who we attribute supremacy to
  • We must consider those in leadership over us (Romans 13)
  • Pray for those in authority
  • Supreme - a station of unquestioned power of authority
  • Righteous - to be right or free of sin
  • Judge - one who sentences or condemns in a court of law
  • Romans is a didactic (pro-moral instruction) book because it lays out the salvation plan from beginning to end


 Key Sermon Points:

  1. Recognizing the Supreme and Righteous Judge
    1. It's a bad spot to be in to not fear God (v. 18)
    2. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge
    3. I AM = He Who Will Be, He Who Is, and He Who Has Been (Exodus 3:14)
    4. YHWH is a reference to the name of God
    5. God is One (Deuteronomy 6:4)
    6. Do not blaspheme the Lord's name (Leviticus 24:16)
    7. The law of God is going to cause you to shut up (Romans 3:19)
    8. God is a Supreme and Righteous Judge
  2. The Judge's law and sentence for sin
    1. The strength of the law is sin
    2. The law points out to us that we are sinners
    3. There is a penalty to be paid for disobedience
    4. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23)
    5. We are going to die (Genesis 2:17)
    6. Moses is given the law (Exodus 20)
    7. We should invest in what is eternal
    8. There was a small portion of the law in Genesis and then the more extensive law in Exodus
  3. The jurisdiction of the Judge
    1. Jurisdiction is an area of power based upon the case and the parties involved
    2. The law can be represented by: How do we treat God and how do we treat our neighbors
    3. If we break one law, then we are guilty of all  (James 2:10)
    4. If you even think about sin, then you have already sinned (Matthew 5:28)
    5. The jurisdiction is the whole wide world: Jews and Gentiles
    6. We are all sinners (Romans 3:9-10)
  4. Will you be found guilty or justified before Him?
    1. The law will prove that we are sinners (v. 20)
    2. God is righteous without the law (v. 21)
    3. Whether we are guilty or justified is determined by our relationship with Jesus (v. 24)
    4. We need Jesus for the remission of our sins (vv. 25 - 26)
    5. The key is how we are handling Jesus
    6. We can't boast as this is something that God did
    7. It is by faith not by works and not by the law
    8. A man is justified by faith without the law
    9. There is one God by faith
    10. The law points us to the fact that we can only get to God by faith