Wisdom in a Time of Ignorance


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Aug. 04, 2024


  • It's more and more difficult to know what is true
  • Lies will be propagated more and more as time goes on
  • If it wasn't for God, more would be fooled
  • We need wisdom because there is a lot of things that are foolishness and lies
  • Wisdom is the ability to discern the right application of sound judgment and knowledge obtained over time and seeking God ultimately
  • Now, the foolishness is profound and people won't admit that they lied
  • Ignorance means uneducated and uninformed and some are willingly ignorant
  • The Gospel and the work of Christ are regarded as foolishness by those that have not repented to God
  • In contrast, the Bible states that winning souls for Christ is wise
  • Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge
  • God has to be central...don't get caught up in comparing different people or styles


Key Sermon Points:

  1. The Revelation of Wisdom
    1. Verse 9 comes from the book of Isaiah
    2. Revelation is an unveiling of what you could not see before...revealing of
    3. God's plan through Christ
    4. We can only get wisdom by the Spirit of God (verse 10)
    5. Real foolishness is saying that there is no God
    6. We must pray for our leaders (Romans 13:1)
    7. The revelation of wisdom is the revealing of God's plan by the aide of the Holy Spirit
    8. Only the Spirit knows what drives us (v. 11)
  2. The Inspiration of Wisdom
    1. Inspiration is what causes you to get wisdom the way that we need it
    2. The Bible came by men that were inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21)
    3. We can't know what is of God without the Spirit of God
  3. The Illumination of Wisdom
    1. Illumination of wisdom is the process of being able to see things more clearly during your pursuit of God by the aide of the Holy Spirit
    2. We must make it about the Holy Spirit so that we don't make it about ourselves
    3. The central focus is about God and not ourselves
    4. Man's wisdom can't teach us these things (v. 13)
    5. Christ is the Truth
    6. Only the Lord have enough wisdom to judge
  4. The Duplication of Wisdom
    1. The discipleship process - after we are saved, we are to be taught
    2. We come to know the Lord and still need to learn more about him
    3. We must know the Lord and then share what we know
    4. We must always work on the kingdom agenda
    5. We are exposed to the mind of Christ through the Holy Spirit and God's Word
    6. The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God and will come to nothing
    7. We must be exposed to things with which we are unfamiliar in order to get prepared