After Disaster


SunDAY: 9 AM Sunday School, 10:30AM Worship /TuesDAY 6 pm prayer/ WedNESDAY 6PM Bible study

Sep. 15, 2024


  • Moses was saying to God: Show me your glory
  • The people were worshipping idols
  • More than 3000 people were killed on that day
  • Moses was speaking with God about what things would look like going forward
  • Miracles don't produce great faith
  • Faith must be rooted in more than the miraculous, but rooted in the Word
  • What we need after a disaster is presence

Key Sermon Points:

  • We've seen so much of God's mercy
  • Everyone is worshipping something or someone: we must decide to worship the King, who is worthy of all glory and worship
  • We need a Guide because even if he gives us a map we still wouldn't know where we are going
  • God is our Guide
  • Moses wanted the promise of God's presence
  • God is everywhere at the same time, but not in the same way
  • Sometimes God is present to bless, to convict, to promote, to judge
  • We have to learn to celebrate and worship God no matter the condition
  • We must worship even if we don't feel like it and no matter who is around...we must learn to bless the Lord no matter what
  • God told Moses that he would go with him, but Moses asked God to consider his nation
  • Moses said to God to give him a new covenant...and to show him God's glory
  • Sometimes we need a little encouragement in order to go a little further
  • We can't look at God without filters because we wouldn't be able to stand it (God has no beginning or ending; God is greater and larger than anything we we must look at Jesus in order to encounter God)
  • We need a perspective
  • God didn't give Moses what he asked for, but what he needed
  • After disaster, the presence of God makes the difference for how we handle the future
  • Sometimes we just need a glimpse to keep going
  • Sometimes we can't experience the ram unless we go where God would have us to go
  • Sometimes we have to go to the place of sacrifice in order to see God's provision
  • The reason that we can go forward after disaster is because the glory of God, Jesus, has given us the ability to keep going